The Apostolic Church is being portrayed by some in the blogsphere as a corrupt organization that is run by thugs, thieves, liars, cheaters and even murderers. These bloggers are filled with hate, resentment, pain and frustration. They have slandered the leadership of the Apostolic Assembly in the name of free speech. They have a mission to divide and bring shame to the Apostolic Assembly. These bloggers are so bitter over the excommunication of Baldemar Rodriguez and the plantiffs that they will say and do anything to get them back on the general board.
So why did I create this blog? to expose some of the lies and show the real thugs, liars, etc..
To follow are some examples of their lies.
The protest video
The introduction is very childish. Some may find it humorous, but do not underestimate it. Many who hear those words spoken by skotty honestly believe that there is a revolution. The purpose of the introduction is to intimidate and disrespect the leadership of the Apostolic Assembly. Although they would like you to believe that their revolutionary movement is huge and diverse,
the video shows that only a small group of people are on their side. Mostly ignorant, naive and disobedient people . A good example is the disobedient lady protesting against her pastors will. DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY VIDEO! more than half of the people staging the protest don't seem to have a clue about what their doing. Their signs read "our pastor stands for the truth"? what truth? "we demand a recount" a recount? what for? "We want a godly leader" you mean like Mr. Rodriguez? Then Mr. Rodriguez comes out saying that he is out of the assembly because he asked a question. Wrong!! he is out because he sued the assembly and lost! He says he is "out as nothing" Did he want to be be honorably discharged? He wants justice to be served? JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED.
The Service Video
The comments on the video state that the GB did not allow cameras. However this did not stop the apostolic leftist from taking their camera. What do these people think? are they under no authority? Bishop Lugo asked them to turn off the camera and they disobeyed. They claimed to be in "public property" and that they had right to film because they were "Citizens of the United states of America" This is so ignorant. This was supposed to be closed door meeting for members of the Aposotlic Assembly only. Cameras are not always allowed! even for public hearings. There were no cameras allowed for Kobe Bryant's trial, Peterson trial, Guantanamo detainees etc...
These so called "revolutionaries" can be seen trying to provoke Bishop Lugo. Personally, I would have called the police. These people should have been arrested for disturbing the peace. Fortunately, Bishop Lugo showed maturity and patience and invited them to pray. Some loud lady can be heard saying " we have a right to be here". That is true, but as long as she abides by the rules. One of them was to turn off the camera and they didn't. Then, Skotty comments "did you hear that?" That comment is so ignorant. He doesn't know that the difference between a business meeting and an outreach service. People like him are what what is leading this new left.
Then Baldemar Rodriguez, states that he doesn't approve of the meeting, and he walks out. How unprofessional.
Then the camera shows the humble expression of Bishop Daniel Sanchez. My personal opinion, he is doing his job. This is what is expected of him. He is not doing what is popular, instead he is doing what is right.
The rest of the video is heart braking. One of the ladies says something that caught my attention. She said "We don't need the assembly to praise God" She is absolutely right! You don't need the assembly. Go on and praise him. I don't understand the passion of these people. Some take so much pride in their Apostolic heritage. Unlike other believers, they brag about being a 2nd 3rd 4th of 5th generation Apostolic. So, then why if they love the Apostolic Assembly so much, why are they so focused on destroying it?
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Humble Expression??????
Any man of God that uses the words kick ass and balls ain't humble in my book.
That was no humble look. He couldn't look the hermanos in the eyes.
Next your going to say 2 vote Eddie had a humble look when he was ripping off the hermanos money in the car scam.
Malverde is going to have a humble look when he takes control of the million and a half FD had in their building fund.
You must be related to the GB, because you're a liar just like them. Your so called facts are half truths and lies!
I am not a Christian but when I read blogs from so called Christians like rush that said, "Then the camera shows the humble expression of Bishop Daniel Sanchez. My personal opinion, he is doing his job. This is what is expected of him. He is not doing what is popular, instead he is doing what is right." I think to myself, "This is the reason I will not become a Christian because these people are either blind or stupid.
ANYONE, including the unsaved like me can see that Sanches is an arrogant, power hungry, insecure man! YOU MUST BE RELATED!
He was probaly looking humble to see if they would pick up an offering for him.
Little Eddie:
What evidence do you have that Bishop Sanchez used the word kick ass?
I am not related to the General Board, or endorse the GB. Why do you call me a liar? What did I lie about? Next time be more specific. I am not a so called Christian. I'm a believer. As matter fact, I don't believe in organized religion. As far as your comment about Sanchez, you have the right to your opinion, just the same way I expressed my opinion.
Finally, a fair and balance blog!
The Revolution looked like paleta workers on strike marching around the general office with those generic signs. What an embarassment to all Hispanics. If the revolution was as passionate in soulwinning they would not have been having church in that house-like sanctuary. Now they can have park services every Sunday and maybe win a few souls.Maybe they can rent out a classroom in FOT's new church for service next year. That big-mouth sister looked foolish talking the camera with all those disrespectful kids. That guy that called the GB "cowards" looked like the Mexican fat Albert. I cannot believe that guy at the end of the 2nd video has been baptized for 10 years and just received HG a couple of months ago. Shows you the type of non-revival church services they were having there. I think the assembly put them out of their misery. These kids were so vocal praising God at the park but I would like to see them in a service that the cameras are not rolling. What's up with Skotty's demonic voice?? He said, "they cannot get rid of us". I think we just did!
to truthbtold
Your quote, "What's up with Skotty's demonic voice?? He said, "they cannot get rid of us". I think we just did!" So you count yourself with the likes of the arrogant GB ha!!!!
Your right, YOU SOUND JUST LIKE THEM! NO Spirit, NO sense, and NO brains in the way you express yourself. You're problably one of them, what a dumb!
TO rush
This is why I called you a liar. Your quote, "Then the camera shows the humble expression of Bishop Daniel Sanchez." ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! "Humble expression"!!! YOU ARE EITHER BLIND OR A LIAR! That's NOT the expression of a "Humble man." I'm NOT a Christian and even I recognize the expression of a SICK heart. I see it every day in my life, and you expect me to believe your words over fact.
AGAIN either your blind and stupid, or an outright liar. Hey let's go to church together maybe we both can find the Lord and get converted. Dumb!!
Another thing, IT IS BETTER TO DO THE TRUTH THAN WHAT IS RIGHT, because even Proverbs 16:25 says, "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."
CBG: I said that was my personal opinion, just like you have an opinion. I said that Bishop Sanchez was humble because, although the board was being disrepected, he stayed quiet. If it was me, I would have simply said, just like Donald Trump says it: Baldemar, YOU'RE FIRED!!
That would have been arrogant.
Also, you are missinterpreting the scripture in Proverbs. Bishop Sanchez can do as he wishes. He is the decider. He is the president. He is the boss. I'm sure Mr. Rodriguez made decisions that were not popular. He also excomunicated pastors. This is not new.
CBG: Enough with the personal insults. I don't know you and you don't know me. So lets not make this personal. Stop the name calling. Enjoy the weekend, be happy!
So where's your defense for the plaintiffs? For an article or opinion piece to be balanced you have to defend both sides. I find this blog as biased as the other one, it's just on the other side of the pendulum swing.
I think you missed Bishop Lugo flipping people off pretending to be pushing his glasses up.
The fact that most of those ministers said nothing does not mean that they were respectful...if you are kicking and screaming at me and I quietly cuss you out and talk about your mama, that doesn't make me more respectful.
Either you're related to one of them in the GB, they paid you off, or just plain stupid and blind to see what is really going on!!!
Look truthbtold...
Are you rascist or something bcuz u sure say it as if u have something against MEXICANS...remember FOT is going 2 b able 2 have an actual sanctuary thanks 2 FD's 1.5 million that Sanchez is taking...what house like sanctuary??? it sounds to me as if u were present!!! Maybe they will have services in the park and not behind closed doors! Y do u insist on talking about other people like if they don't have feelings? U on the other hand may not have any that's y u bash on others. U don't know what that guy at the end of the 2nd video has been how can u talk about him? Do u know him that much? If u would like to see them in a service where the cameras are not rolling y don't u contact them and join them for a service one of these sundays? Oh wait maybe u might get in trouble for being around that type of people huh?
That's all I had 2 say...GOD BLESS YOU!!!
Is there any reason why you deleted my latest comments from this blog? I thought you said this was an impatial blog! I sure didn't delet it but is now gone saying it was deletd by the author!
I ask you again, Is there any reason why you deleted my latest comments from this blog? Is it because you didn't like what I said. See this is typical GB mentality, You can live with what I say until the truth is revealed. And when you don't like the truth you sensore it!
On the front page of your blog you ask the question, "So why did I create this blog? to expose some of the lies and show the real thugs, liars, etc..." You removing my last blog to you realy exposes the real thugs and liars uh! The wants WHO CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Your integrity is as high as the GB of the AA - NONE!
What a shame, and here I tought I was going to take you serious for a while! But you're just another typical religious apostolic - NO CHANGE, NO CHARACTER, AND NO INTEGRITY! I think I'm better of NOT becoming a Christian if Christianity is wha you exemplify!
I am deleting all postings that include cursing. I don't have a problem with cursing, but others do. I am also removing spam. Lets keep this clean.
CBG: don't look at me or anyone as an example for becoming a Christian, look at Jesus, and the reason I deleted your comments is because you were putting yourself down and you were trying to compare me to you. Don't do that.
Skooty: I guess in your view, is your way or the highway. Your welcome to express your opinion.
I'm not going to boycott...I'm gonna wait it out and see if old brother Rush answers to the logic I presented as to the fact that because this blog disseminates a different viewpoint than apostolicnews means this is NOT a balanced blog.
It's just the other side. It was falsely advertised as balanced. Either that or I motion for him to begin defending the plaintiffs.
Your quote, "CBG: don't look at me or anyone as an example for becoming a Christian, look at Jesus, and the reason I deleted your comments is because you were putting yourself down and you were trying to compare me to you. Don't do that."
HELLO, that was the point!!! You call yourself a Christian, BUT YOU'RE JUST LIKE ME! I GUESS YOU CAN'T HANDLE OR ADMIT THE TRUTH, that's why you hide behind your sensoreship. Your blog is not impartial, IT IS ONE SIDED! As long as you like what is written you're OK, but as soon as somebody tells you the truth - "I delete it for the sake of righteousness!" WHAT A BUNCH OF BOLOGNA - YOU ARE JUST LIKE THE GB OF THE AA, HIDE THE TRUTH AND LIVE IN A LIE!!!
Hopefully people won't waste their time in your blog cause you'll delet hem. Unless they are people like you who follow the blind! I dare you to leave this blog alone!
This new blog was created free of self-interest, bias, or deception. I don’t support the plaintiffs or the defendants. I report the facts. That is why my blog is fair and balanced.
In response to your question: "where is the defense for the plaintiffs"
This blog was created to show the truth. I'm neither in favor of the plaintiff or the defendants.
My initial posting is report of the events that took place the day Baldemar Rodriguez was ousted. I hate to go long because I don't have time, and I know people don’t like long postings, but here it goes:
The Apostolic Church is being portrayed by some in the blogsphere as a corrupt organization that is run by thugs, thieves, liars, cheaters and even murderers.
FACT (see
These bloggers are filled with hate, resentment, pain and frustration. FACT (see Skotty is also a spammer!
The introduction is very childish. FACT (SEE VIDE: THE INTRO IS VERY IMMATURE, some people say is demonic, I don't know about that, but most sane people will agree that the intro is lame)
Although they would like you to believe that their revolutionary movement is huge and diverse, the video shows that only a small group of people are on their side.
FACT: The Apostolic Assembly has thousands of members and very few were there to support the plaintiffs. There are hundreds of pastors and less than a dozen supported the plaintiffs.
YOU CAN ARGUE THAT THEY ARE "AFRAID TO COME OUT". That is speculative and is impossible to prove.
more than half of the people staging the protest don't seem to have a clue about what their doing. FACT: Watch the video. Read the signs
Bishop Lugo asked them to turn off the camera and they disobeyed. FACT: Watch the video. FACT HERE IS WHY IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:
This was supposed to be closed door meeting for members of the Aposotolic Assembly only. Cameras are not always allowed! even for public hearings. There were no cameras allowed for Kobe Bryant's trial, Peterson trial, Guantanamo detainees etc...
Then Baldemar Rodriguez, states that he doesn't approve of the meeting, and he walks out. FACT Watch the video
Then the camera shows the humble expression of Bishop Daniel Sanchez. My personal opinion FACT: THAT WAS MY PERSONAL OPINION. you can agree or disagree
The rest is my conclusion based on the above. I Hope this helps!!
Then Baldemar Rodriguez, states that he doesn't approve of the meeting, and he walks out. FACT/
My personal feelings is that the GB needs to take a close look at the qualifying committee, CID and adjust.
There does need to be a qualifying committee, because we can't have men voted in because they are either popular or because "they deserve it". I think that they should survey all the other Oneness Org's and study their electoral process and learn from it.
Or if the pastors are "really" upset as some suggest on the other blogs, then they should vote them all off. start from scratch.
from the president down.
I do think that the 1st 3 offices are based on the popular vote. So vote in Frank Romo, Joe Prado, Adam Lopez, (those are just examples not my preferences)
that is extreme but why not?
I think that they have learned from their mistakes and there will no fowl play again. So i give them only 1 pass ea. :)
thanks for responding rush...I copied your post and I'm reposting it this time showing you where i disagree...and would like to show you where you're wrong and hopefully you can either fix it or agree that your page is biased and not fair and balanced. Tejano:
This new blog was created free of self-interest, bias, or deception. I don’t support the plaintiffs or the defendants. I report the facts. That is why my blog is fair and balanced. (You'll see why I don't believe your blog to be fair and balanced).
In response to your question: "where is the defense for the plaintiffs"
This blog was created to show the truth. I'm neither in favor of the plaintiff or the defendants.( You're original blog posting is full of defense for the GB and also this post that I copy and pasted.)
My initial posting is report of the events that took place the day Baldemar Rodriguez was ousted. I hate to go long because I don't have time, and I know people don’t like long postings, but here it goes:
The Apostolic Church is being portrayed by some in the blogsphere as a corrupt organization that is run by thugs, thieves, liars, cheaters and even murderers.
FACT (see
(that is unfortunate. I don't know the GB members enough to comment on that except to say that it does look like "bishop" Pacheco does seem to have his hands VERY dirty and the fact that he was "qualified" by the committee above BIshop Salomon is VERY questionable)
These bloggers are filled with hate, resentment, pain and frustration. FACT (see Skotty is also a spammer!(THis is not a fact...that is speculation. Our former AAFCJ pastor sexually abused my wife and is still preaching. Does the fact that I say that mean that I'm full of hate? I'm not, but you cannot assume that because you can read between the lines it makes YOUR (and a few others') speculation a fact)
The introduction is very childish. FACT (SEE VIDE: THE INTRO IS VERY IMMATURE, some people say is demonic, I don't know about that, but most sane people will agree that the intro is lame)(again...the fact that WE, because even I find it in poor taste, don't like the introduction to the videos mean it's a "FACT"'s an opinion)
Although they would like you to believe that their revolutionary movement is huge and diverse, the video shows that only a small group of people are on their side.
FACT: The Apostolic Assembly has thousands of members and very few were there to support the plaintiffs. There are hundreds of pastors and less than a dozen supported the plaintiffs.
YOU CAN ARGUE THAT THEY ARE "AFRAID TO COME OUT". That is speculative and is impossible to prove. (I cannot prove that all the members and ministers are afraid to speak out...What I do KNOW is that a lot of members and ministers don't know about the details. My own pastor has forbidden the ministers to read the site My parents are member of BIshop Abel Torres' church. I was raised there when his father was the pastor. They didn't know what was going on until earlier this year because Bishop wanted to carry the burden alone and not involve the congregation. We can ASSUME by a simple law of logic that these actions are multiples of happenings throughout the assembly..Every once in a while I meet people that think that Salomon and Baldemar were sueing for money or position because of either misinformed or lying it's not a's speculation. My parents were with Bishop Torres at convention in Dallas and were surprised at the SOOOO many times they were interrupted by pastors thanking him for daring to go where they were not brave enough to...that's a fact.)
more than half of the people staging the protest don't seem to have a clue about what their doing. FACT: Watch the video. Read the signs..(I read the let's me know that they DO know what they're doing. So yes you're statement is a fact...definition of fact is a a statement that can be proven or unproven. in this case your fact is as incorrect as a snickers is a healthy snack.)
Bishop Lugo asked them to turn off the camera and they disobeyed. FACT: Watch the video. FACT HERE IS WHY IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:(yes they did disobey I agree with you here)
This was supposed to be closed door meeting for members of the Aposotolic Assembly only. Cameras are not always allowed! even for public hearings. There were no cameras allowed for Kobe Bryant's trial, Peterson trial, Guantanamo detainees etc...( it didn't look like a closed door meeting to looked like there intent was to have a service..I've been to lots of closed door meetings and you don't usually have ushers....One fact you missed is Bishop Lugo flipping off the sister who said they were citizens of the USA...of course he was pushing up his glasses...we all know how much easier it is to bear down your fingers and only keep up the middle one to push up your glasses than to just push them up with an open hand)
Then Baldemar Rodriguez, states that he doesn't approve of the meeting, and he walks out. FACT Watch the video(AMen...we're in agreement again)
Then the camera shows the humble expression of Bishop Daniel Sanchez. My personal opinion FACT: THAT WAS MY PERSONAL OPINION. you can agree or disagree( then don't call it a it your personal opinion... we can't prove or disprove if its your opinion or not. I remember when he visited us and preached in Lubbock, TX back in 95...I was amazed at how humble he was...and that wasn't the same look...not a OPINION)
The rest is my conclusion based on the above. I Hope this helps!!
Then Baldemar Rodriguez, states that he doesn't approve of the meeting, and he walks out. FACT/
I hope you're happy with how specific I was. But here's some background. I have met almost all of the GB members and plaintiffs. But I don't KNOW them enough to form a strong opinion as to their past life.
I do KNOW BIshop Abel Torres... that man is the reason why I still am in Christ. I also KNOW Bishop Victor Prado...I remember the conversations we used to have when he was in Albuquerque and I know that he is sincere. I KNOW Pastor Saul Avila and I know that what GOD deposited in me he deposited in him because I recognized it the first time I heard him preach. (you can imagine my surprise when my wife told me he is her I bother him all the time haha)
I Trust my former pastor and I know he is uncapable of trying to start problems. There was a time I lost my peace about this whole ordeal I was about to drive to Rancho Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and burn my credential in the office as a show of disrespect...haha
I got a call from an old friend who is a well known pastor and international evangelist. He told me a lot of things in confidence so I will not divulge his name. One of the things that he told me was the the GB was guilty of what the plaintiffs were accusing him of and that AT HEADQUARTERS Bishop Sanchez was begging for God's mercy when this man prophesied to him. And other men of God have similar stories of Bishop Sanchez breaking down and repenting BUT in public he strengthens his hand against those he set himself against....That's a FACT. proven by the fact that he lies in every letter that he sends to pastors. THe press release that the office sent out due to the vandalism (cause we all know that buildings and properties are more important than souls and ministries), he states that only FOUR PASTORS (the plaintiffs) have been removed....let's count them.
Bishop Efrain Andrade
BIshop Willie Mendoza
Bishop Abel Torres
BIshop Baldemar Rodriguez
Pastor Saul Avila
Bishop Daniel Salomon
Bishop Daniel Jauhall
Either Daniel Sanchez LIED OR HE CAN'T COUNT.
I hope I was specific enough for you.
There's a reason why my profile and email and pic or available...I'm NOT EMBARASSED and if the GB can prove to me that the plaintiffs were wrong...they know how to get a hold of me....and I would recant EVERYTHING I have ASSUMED about them. If you know any of them ...let them know....when I call the secretaries just hang up on me. That doesn't look like open accountability to me
Tejano: I'm really sorry to hear about your expastor. He should be in Jail. I'm sure we agree there.
Look, there are three ways to see things.
1. The way you see it
2. The way I see it
3. And the way it is
I try as best as I can to report things the way they are. I don't support the GB. I don't endorse the GB. But I try not to add drama to the story like the other bloggers do. They are calling the oustings "lynchings". I think thats going a too far.
Enough said. So you are an insurance agent? are you an independent broker? or do you work for a carrier?
If you really are only reporting things "as they are" then I think you should deal with the inconsistencies of the General Board. They said that they only kicked out for and off the top of my head I named more than four that were booted due to the election fraud.
And I can't report things as they are because I neither know the histories nor the intentions of everyone involved.
And satan is in the corner laughing at all the Apostolics baptized in the Name above all names. It's sad. I am baptized in the Apostolic church, and sad to see how the enemy is playing this organization. I believe that if we are truly concerned about our brethren and we truly Love the Lord, JESUS CHRIST, we would be praying for guidance and direction. Has anyone stopped to think that the Lord is allowing this to happen? Look @ Job. God granted satan permission to mess with Job. Maybe the Lord is allowing the same to the organization to separate the worshippers that Love Him in Spirit and Truth. Sort of sifting the wheat from the tare. Look @ us, (Apostolics) some are going at each other with every possible media available to us. Others are confused. Remember, we do NOT serve a God of confusion! If we are truly trying to act santitos, I think maybe the best avenue is to PRAY!! And let the Lord Jesus lead HIS church in the direction that PLEASES Him! GBY
Thank you "my2cents"...I'm glad that you feel that way...the problem with your sifting analogy is this....who's the wheat and who is the tare?
sis. Rochelle.. I feel i have to make a couple of things perfectly clear.. it has come to me by a few people now... that you are telling people you were upset with me for not buying you a new water heater.. that you guys asked and I said no... honestly sister... NO ONE every asked me about buying you a water heater...matt came to me at work one day.. said you guys were having trouble with it,,, but said Robert and him were gonna get the part and put it in... came back a couple days later... said they had put the part in... nothing about a new water heater... DID they put the part in and get it fixed?? i noticed that you guys began to struggle about the time you took Robert in..he has been down this road before... and the sad part is that everybody he hooks up with... ends up worse off in sin then when he got there.. as a pastor i seen great potential for you and matt... your worship was real..and God responded.. you really prayed through.. and the Joy of the Lord was all over you guys..I watched as your life began to plateau.. i understand how hard it is to see everyone else blessed and you guys struggle... but I must remind you... God can not and will never bless sin sister... until you are single.. you and Matt are living in adultery... God cannot bless that relationship.. every time you guys are together... you are choosing what you know to be wrong... thats why you guys are struggling.. financially.. spiritually..emotionally..thats why your sense of peace is missing..I read your post tonight... please be careful said God was blessing and opening doors for you..Not every door that opens is of God..he will never BLESS adultery.. time will tell... when you get to where you guys are going.. get in with the church.. support the church.. with your tithes and offerings.. and God say's you will be blessed.. if you dont.. the bible says you will be cursed... a hard road will follow.. Repent and really do what you know to be right Rochelle...Learn to go to your pastor for guidance.. i could of helped you before you quit your job at hydro gear. there is a reason they would offer you assistant mgr. right off the cut your income in guys were already struggling..i would have counseled you to wait and see what your bills were.. before making a decision..that would affect your whole family.. I copy this message from you that you sent me oct 23 2011.
Rochel White-Cole
Just gotta say Thank you! Since we have found God at your church our lives have soo turned around. And honestly Pastor I couldn't be happier! Thanks for being such an awesome supporter! :):)
What happened sister??? I wish I could change your mind... but, I can't... somethings have to be experienced in this life... as long as you learn from your bad decisions.. there is hope... Settle the adultery issue... do not sleep with that man until you are HIS wife and God will bless your life..
You know We love you guys..but I also have to tell you the truth.. or God will hold me accountable for your failure.. I love Jesus with all my heart.. and again i say to you and Matt.... NO ONE EVER ASKED ME FOR MONEY FOR A NEW WATER HEATER.. NO ONE!!!!
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